We have moved – but things still mostly the same


Well those of you who follow us on social media or are visitors to us, will know that for a LONG time now, we have been preparing to move. Not very far as the crow flies, but an hours journey by public transport from our old Honeysuckle Road address. I am, now a commuter, for the first time since 1977.
Our first day in the new premise was Friday July 12th. As I write these notes 12 days later, it seems like a long time ago, because so much has changed. There is a long way to go before we have everything as we want it, but the computers and printer work, our franking machine works and we are able to do our day to day activities, pretty much as we always have.
We are seeing lots of people at the new place, and we’d love to see you. If you have something to sell, or would like to look at some of our stock it can be arranged; do bear in mind though we need notice to actually arrange the item for you to see.
The July catalogue is pretty new and without doubt the best we have ever issued, so do have a good look.