Record number of coins on our website
If its true that size matters, then its also true that quantity matters too. If you look at our website listing right now, you will find around 12,200 coins you can buy. Its important for us to have a huge number, because that way we can cater for everybody. You might think, why do we need to list so many, isn’t this number too many? Well we’d answer no and the following illustration might help. We have no fewer than 9 examples of 1829 Shilling. We have an AUNC £595, NEF £210, AVF £55, GF £39.50, Fine £27.50, NF £22.50, Fair £15, Poor+ £7.50, NFair holed £5.
Now you might think there would be no demand for holed coins, in very low grade, and if you did you would be wrong, we sell most of our listed holed coins. The Poor+ has got little more than a clear date, but plenty of collectors are happy with a clear date. The Fair is £15 and for an individual coin, that is the budget for probably 25% of our customers, and so I could go on. Each coin is aimed at a specific type of collector. We want to sell to kings, we want to sell to paupers and everybody in between.
So it is a VERY extensive list. Areas where we have added especially large numbers of coins include Sovereigns, Crowns, Half Crowns, Hammered and Scottish. We hope you can add to your collection. We are always here to advise.