Our coming list and Facebook
Now into June, we are well into grading for our new catalogue which will be out at the beginning of July. We add stuff on a regular basis, so it is always worth looking to see what has been added, on a weekly, if not daily basis. Just click here to see the updated pdf.
It is worth checking us out on Facebook. One of our most popular post went as follows:
Afternoon everybody. We had a thing going on at my church recently, where we were talking about, how in your job, you can make a difference in the world. At first glance being a coin dealer is not a job that can affect much; its not like being a nurse or an undertaker or a teacher etc, etc. And yet…
You can make quite a big difference in this job. Most of the people we deal with are older men. I would guess that 40% of our clients are over 70 and maybe 20% over 80. As a result we regularly have people on our mailing lists die. It is the worst part of this job. Some of these folks we have got to know over many many years, we have talked to them about all sorts of things, and then they die, and its a sad feeling.
We often get the wife, or sometimes daughter say that the deceased really loved their coin collecting and receiving our catalogue and coins, was one of the highlights of their last few years. That always makes me feel good, its nice to know even doing this job, we can make a difference, and if we have lightened up any of your lives, even for just a few minutes, then I for one feel truly blessed.
We also list new coins, lots of historical stuff related to the coins we list. We post at least twice a day, and if you fancy being involved go here.