New catalogue – Brexit underway – general election – What does it all mean?

These are exciting times, not just for us as we release our 126th catalogue, but its all change; we really do have a new world order. So what does all this mean for coins? Uncertain times equals  volatile markets, volatile markets equals a chance to make money. If you make right decisions, you could make a fortune. And people have in recent times been making a lot of money on coins. The boom area at the moment is proof sets. Not so long ago you could pick up the 4 coin Gold set from 1937 for around £3,500. These sets have been selling for anything up to £20,000! We currently have one for £14,500. Not cheap, but very reasonable in todays surging markets. Other proof sets to be doing very well are the 1911, 1893, 1887 and all those before then. If they can be in the original box, in immaculate condition, you are sitting on a Gold mine.

In a sense though, the key is to buy the coins, before they surge. There are no guarantees in life, but in our opinion, the next big thing, will come from UK Silver coins. Half Crowns,  Florins, Shillings, and 6ds have a long way to go before prices start to fall back. Maundy money is a superb investment. We are selling Victorian Young Head sets in top condition, for under £300 in some cases, and we have a nice range for barely more than this. I am as sure as I can be, these sets will rise rapidly. People have a lot of money to invest right now, banks are paying very low interest, and it is our view that English Silver coins could be a very profitable investment.

Our new list is a cracker. We have of course, a vast array of Silver, much Gold and we always buy in plenty of Copper and Bronze, which is always popular. We haven’t forgotten you hammered enthusiasts out there, and we also have a large selection of Foreign coins, should you have more eclectic tastes. We hope you enjoy our list and look forward to speaking with some of you.