Brand new list – brand new climate

Our late Summer list 2015 is now online and we are delighted to report that our previous list was one of our best sellers ever. If you were someone who bought from us – thanks. You are part of our success story and we are truly appreciative. With this list, we really focused on getting all the key dates in, and at prices which normal people can afford.

The 1905 Half Crown is one of the famous coins of the 20th century. Most dealers won’t have a single example, many other will have one and it’ll be in AUNC condition and be priced at around £10,000. We have no problem with this and have a number of coins to this value, but most collectors in our experience, want one in and around fine, for a few hundred Pounds. In our current list we have 4, they are priced at between £375 and £795. I think sometimes in the coin world we need to get a dose of reality. If you read in the papers or read about “coin trends”, you’ll often see examples of what price Triple Unites are now going for compared to 20 or 30 years ago; often the conclusion is that they are a great investment. But for 90% of you people reading this, that may be interesting, but it is also completely irrelevant.

I will stress again, that we do sell expensive coins, we have an 1864 Copper Farthing for sale at £18,500 and we have large numbers of Gold coins, many priced in four, and some in five figures. But, and here is the big “but” we sell coins in all grades so if you only have £10 or £20 to spend, we still will have something for you. We hope you enjoy looking through our list, a hard copy is available if you want one. Should you have any queries we are always happy to hear from you.