Welcome to our Brand new website!
Welcome to the brand new R Ingram Coins website. Its been quite a while coming and we have faced a few technical challenges along the way, we are delighted to say it is now here! We have made a few adjustments, there is now a coin category filter which should hopefully help you search for the item(s) you are looking for. You can search by denomination and filter the date/price range you’d like as well as selecting (for example) slabbed coins. Items can also be sorted by price or year, high to low or low to high. Have a play, please tell us what you think.
We don’t just offer coins, we also have Banknotes, medals, accessories and much more besides.
We also have a good old fashioned list, 17,000 + items for you to peruse, we issue this in a booklet form, please let us know if you would like a copy of this. We have been busy picking up quite a few coin collections recently and have a new list out later in September, so please keep an eye out for that. We always have a lot of items not listed so do let us know if there is anything in particular you are after.
We also have a new Youtube channel, so please keep a look out for that too, if there are any particular topics you are interested in let us know and we will try to include them.
We are always available to be contacted via phone/email/text/WhatsApp also – please do get in touch.
Take care, enjoy collecting coins, its a great hobby.
Rendel & Michael.
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Hi Michael/Rendel,
Just received your email re new website and have had a quick look, getting ready for holiday!
Wow, it’s a bit posh looking and I look forward to exploring it in more detail.
Good luck with it.
Good afternoon,
My compliments for your new website, I find it very easy to find my way around for the type of coins which interest me, coins I wish to look for can be viewed quickly and in great detail. The magnification is very helpful, helping to find information you may be looking for.
I realise this is a very new concept and send best wishes for improving the possible purchasing experience from yourselves Michael and Rendel Ingram.
My comments for improvements is much work is needed, maybe by an employee full time to have photographs uploaded as soon as possible, perhaps concentrating on coins over £200.00 in the first instance. Rome wasn’t built in a day, however I believe you have to get your skates on gentlemen. This will improve the experience of using the website. In reference to slabs, I would suggest photographs of the entire item, including the documentation on the slab of the information of the coin.
Please accept my points as a way forward in improving, I apologise for any upset these comments may have made to you.
As an avid collector of pre-decimal coins since the turn of the century, being the same age as Michael I feel sure we will cross swords during the coming years as age slows down the pace. Looking forward to a meeting sometime in the near future. Good Luck!