Brexit and the new world order

What an amazing June we have had, our football team lost to Iceland, our rugby team hammered the Australians in their own back yard, our cricket team are moving towards the top of the world. Our country has voted for Brexit and the leaders of the two main parties are gone/going. What next!!

Well for us here at R. Ingram coins things don’t look too different. We have just uploaded our new catalogue (list 121), and don’t forget, if you would like a hard copy just let us know and we will be happy to send you one. Now whether you voted stay or leave, one thing is for sure, things will never be the same again. The key is not whether we leave the European Union, but whether we leave the single market. Should we do that virtually all economists are agreed this would severely damage the UK economy and it could take years, if ever, to fully recover.

So what does this mean for coin collecting? Well any uncertainty in the markets means inevitably Gold will strengthen, and those of you who are observant will notice all our cheapest priced Gold is sold. We have lots more Gold and given the potential for rises it is still competitively priced. Do have a look at the Sovereigns in particular if this interests you. More broadly, with interest rates expected to dip to 0% any time soon there has never been a time where alternative investments look more attractive, and coins are still a largely untapped resource. I think the coin market could easily explode in the next few months, and if it does this will bring us good and bad news. Good in that we will be selling coins hand over fist, and bad in that as prices rise, it is harder for us to purchase material.

Interesting times. Should you need any help or advice we are always here for you.


Just click here to see the updated pdf.